
Can Back Shop actually also organic? Of course!

Topics like energy saving and renewable energies, sustainability, environment and organic are becoming more and more important. A considerate approach to nature should be a matter of course - but the past and also the present show that this is unfortunately not the case. Much more can (and must!) be done here.

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Monti on Tour!

Dear Reader,

Today we would like to take you on a little journey. We won't tell you where we're going, but you'll find out for yourself in the end! Besides, as we all know (and especially here) the journey is the destination.

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Back Shop invests in emission saving

Back Shop would like to support the general trend of saving CO2 in any case. After all, we are all jointly responsible for the climate, and the much-cited ecological footprint should be as small as possible. Each individual can make his or her contribution, and we can even completely influence the type of transportation and the pollutants (emissions) emitted into the environment.

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Never asked but still answered!

Dear readers,

There are always interesting, funny and also curious facts about different areas, which are difficult to accommodate thematically. Nevertheless, we do not want to withhold them from you!

That is why we have decided to introduce a new section, which we would like to present to you today: Never asked but still answered!

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Wood shortage and the consequences

The corona pandemic has an impact on almost all areas - often even on those that are not directly visible at first.

As a food supplier, we are noticing these effects in various places. For example, there has been an enormous price increase, especially in the areas of cardboard packaging and pallets. The reason for this is the shortage of wood - and this is, of course, corona-related.

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For many companies, the last few months have been characterized by a drop in sales and demanded flexibility in every respect. Now that the pandemic situation is slowly easing and a little more normality has already set in, we would like to support our business partners in quickly regaining their footing.

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Personnel Expansion in our Export Department

The demand from abroad for our bakery products is constantly increasing.

To ensure that we can continue to provide you with the usual service, our new colleague Mr. René Hermes has been on hand to help and advise you as International Sales Manager since May 1 of this year.

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DRK Food Truck

We have become aware of a new Hamburg aid project. Since May of this year, we have been supporting the "Food Truck" of the DRK Altona und Mitte e.V.

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Donuts and Jelly Doughnuts

Discover our diverse range of sweet delicacies in many great and creative shapes and colors. Not only the products themselves immediately attract all eyes, also the on request available decorative box for the presentation at the point of sale is a real eye-catcher!

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Company Health Management ("CHM") at BACK SHOP

As an employer, we care about our employees and want to do our part to keep them healthy - because only healthy employees are fit and productive! Through various campaigns, we therefore want to create incentives for a healthy lifestyle.

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For several years now, the demand for sustainable products has been increasing. This is also the case with our customers, and we would like to meet this demand.

One of the best-known seals of approval for sustainable cultivation, which can mainly be found on cocoa and chocolate, is the UTZ certification. But what exactly does this actually mean?


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Apprenticeship at Back Shop

A company is only as good as its employees - we at Back Shop are aware of that. In order to be able to continue to drive the company forward in the future with qualified and motivated employees, we enjoy investing in the future of young people.

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Back Stage - Behind the Scenes

Our new web-based format has already gone "on air" twice and convinced one or the other viewer.

The online event presented for example new products, new premises and discussed interesting topics. Guest speakers included Mr. Norbert Lötz (Managing Director Production - Harry-Brot GmbH) and Mr. Kai Gebel (Manager Warehouse and Logistics - Back Shop) on the subject of back stores and Harry's opening strategies for the "HoReCa" area.

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Sustainable Products

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Palm oil cultivation deforests large areas of rainforest, minimizing the habitat of many animal and plant species.

However, palm oil is an irreplaceable raw material in the food industry and many other sectors.

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BackStage - our new Live Event

Unfortunately, the pandemic-related restrictions make personal visits impossible at the moment. Nevertheless, it is very important to us to stay in touch with our customers. We therefore thought about how this could be possible under the current conditions.


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Green Electricity for Back Shop

As a deep-freeze warehouse, we naturally require a lot of electricity. However, we as a company are very aware of our responsibility towards the environment and thus always strive to keep the negative impact of our economic activities as small as possible.

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Back Shop expands business field with new cooperations

Starting in March, Back Shop Tiefkühl GmbH will expand its business field.

For some time now we have been successfully selling the exclusive brand "Almondy" in cooperation with Bakery & Food GmbH and are more than satisfied with this cooperation. We would now like to build on this success.

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